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A big shout out to HPACH great video and Happy Chinese New Year.


A big shout out to HPACH great video and Happy Chinese New Year.


Happy Chinese New Year! What a lovely day, wearing bright colours and learning about Chinese new year at HPACH, where we're all about celebrating diversity.Check out the snippet of the video that we watched in the online whole school assembly!


Happy Chinese New Year! What a lovely day, wearing bright colours and learning about Chinese new year at HPACH, where we're all about celebrating diversity.Check out the snippet of the video that we watched in the online whole school assembly!


We Remember ❤️


We are consulting on our admissions arrangement for 2023-24. Please see our website for more details.


We are consulting on our admissions arrangement for 2023-24. Please see our website for more details.


What a great end to Summer School! The children have worked so hard and have been fantastic - well done to everyone that attended! The children were also introduced to Countdown and they may have outsmarted the teachers 😬 🕰


What a great end to Summer School! The children have worked so hard and have been fantastic - well done to everyone that attended! The children were also introduced to Countdown and they may have outsmarted the teachers 😬 🕰


Welcome back to all our new Year 6 pupils! Well done to all the children joining us in school and online this week


More great work from our pupils working online at home and in school


Great work from our pupils working online from home...keep up the fantastic work!


Great to see so many of our Year 6 pupils join our Teams Leavers Assembly yesterday


Such a great opportunity for our pupils to learn about their Year 7 experience in September and ask questions that they have. Thank you Miss Sivyer


Great to be part of the Year 6 to Year 7 transition meeting for pupils this morning


Our second Year 6 transition bulletin has been sent out. This week, hear from our Head of Academy; Mr Glees. Also read the top tips from Jack in Year 7. All Y6 Bulletins will also be available on our website.


Our second Year 6 transition bulletin has been sent out. This week, hear from our Head of Academy; Mr Glees. Also read the top tips from Jack in Year 7. All Y6 Bulletins will also be available on our website.


Here is a link to our assembly on Effective Communication led by Mr Drakes


Here is a link to our latest assembly ‘People who Inspire us’ led by Mrs Cottis


It is almost the start of a new week and here is Mr Perry’s Sports Challenge 3

Harris Academies
All Academies in our Federation aim to transform the lives of the students they serve by bringing about rapid improvement in examination results, personal development and aspiration.

Central Office

















British Values Statement

At Harris Primary Academy Chafford Hundred we promote ‘British Values’ through our spiritual, moral, social and cultural education which permeates through the curriculum offer and supports the development of the ‘whole child’.

We recognise that such development is most successful when those values and attitudes are promoted by all the staff and provide a model of behaviour for our pupils.

‘British Values’ have been identified as:

Democracy: The ability to communicate is the most important area of learning. We ensure that pupils are given a ‘voice’ to communicate. The method of using this ‘voice’ could be using words, objects, photographs, pictures, symbols, touch cues, eye pointing or body language. We empower our pupils by giving them opportunities to make choices about the things that they believe to be important. By valuing each ‘voice’ and by listening and responding to that voice we demonstrate that we support democracy and liberty. Pupils learn about democracy in society today and the implications for individuals when it is not present. Weekly assemblies with the academy’s leadership team, look at current news both locally and globally.

Rule of Law: We involve pupils in setting codes of behaviour; helping pupils to make decisions and choices that are acceptable to the academy community and society at large. Pupils are helped to learn to manage their behaviour and take responsibility for their actions. Staff are committed to providing a consistent and predicable environment within the school and beyond. We can help some pupils to understand the connection between actions and consequences. This type of environment enables pupils to feel safe and secure; this in turn, promotes the optimum conditions for learning to take place.

Individual Liberty: Pupils at Harris Primary Academy Chafford Hundred are encouraged to become good and valued citizens. We achieve this by supporting each pupil to become as independent as possible. We endeavour to demonstrate that everyone has rights; this includes the right to say ‘No’ when appropriate. Some pupils will be able to take responsibility for particular roles and to understand that with certain rights comes a level of responsibility. Learning to do things independently is an important part of learning to understand yourself. We support others by participating in local community events and charitable events such as, Red Nose Day/Comic Relief, Children in Need, Remembrance collections and supporting local charities. We believe that by engendering a caring and helpful environment and by learning to be independent can boost and nurture a healthy selfesteem.

Mutual Respect: We promote each pupil’s inclusion, where possible, in a range of activities, settings and locations. The children in Early Years have opportunities to integrate with other children. As pupils move into the other Key Stages, further planned events and circumstances are planned for pupils to go into the community to meet with a range of people in a variety of situations which include: sports events, community events and shared participation with other schools in Thurrock and across the Harris Federation. It is important to facilitate opportunities for schools to be part of the local, national and global communities. Pupils, families and staff have much to offer in the development of community cohesion.

Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs: At Harris Primary Academy Chafford Hundred we serve a multi-faith community where each person is respected and valued equally without regard to ability, gender, faith, heritage or race. Cultural appreciation and development forms part of our curriculum. We place great emphasis on providing encounters and participation in events and celebrations to broaden all pupils’ experiences and awareness of others. Our Assemblies help all pupils to find out about themselves and others linking their lives to the communities in which they belong. The themes cover areas such as: friendships, helping others and celebrations from a range of faiths and world events. Pupils are encouraged to experience British Culture through our curriculum themes. Schools take part in local and Harris Federation sporting activities which help to instil ‘fair play’ and engender a ’team spirit’. The staff work closely with parents, carers and other professionals to ensure that the pupils are happy, well cared for and enabled to learn the skills they need to live a fulfilling life as part of their community.